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Prospective cadets may schedule a uniform fitting by calling 843-881-8263 or 8264. They may also e-mail a request to John_farese@charleston.k12.sc.us. Fittings are Monday through Thursday from 0830 AM to 4:30 PM. Please bring dress socks (thin socks to ensure shoes fit) and a $30 Activity fee (cash or check).
Preparatory School will start on 5 Aug and run through 9 Aug, from 745 Am to 12 00 PM. If uniforms have not been measured prior to Aug 5, then appointments may be made for the afternoon of that week. Comfortable shoes, shorts, T-shirt, notebook, writing utensil, and a water bottle are required. Since the cadets will be learning drill, please no sandals or flip flops.
Attire will be comfortable shorts, T-shirts or appropriate top and athletic shoes. All attire MUST conform to the Wando HS Dress code. ( an excerpt from the dress code can be found at the end of this post.). Wednesday will be mostly PT (PT test 1.5 mile run, pushups in one minute, and situps in one minute) to include teams sports competitions. A PT medical form will be sent home with the cadet on Monday and must be returned NLT Wednesday AM. The first uniform day for Prep School will be Thursday 8 Aug. Please try to coordinate a uniform fitting as soon as possible. Some alterations MAY be required, whichg can take a few days.
Cadets must bring a notebook and a writing utensil for class. A schedule will be posted here NLT 1 week prior to the School beginning.
Daily Briefing Slides:
Prep School Welcome Powerpoint 2019 (Click to view Powerpoint)
Prep School Current Schedule (Click to view)
Uniform Wear (Click to download Cadet Guide)
Military Courtesies (Click on link to view)
Prep school Intro to Drill (Click on link to view)
CCSD Code of Conduct and Dress Code Page 27 (Click link to view)